Student Fundraising 
Dedication to a higher purpose

In today’s fast paced and interconnected world, where academic achievements often take center stage, the role of student service has emerged as a vital component in cultivating well-rounded individuals. St Margaret’s College has always recognised the immense value of engaging students in meaningful activities.

By encouraging our students to actively participate in service initiatives, we foster empathy, instill a sense of social responsibility, empower communities in need, and honour our Anglican tradition.  

We encourage our students to make a positive difference through a range of initiatives, including our College charity, Educating Girls Globally (EGG). Many of our charitable initiatives are led by our Service Prefect working with our Service Council with the support of their teacher-mentor.  

Donations made in 2023


By investing in social service, we invest in a brighter future where empathy, empowerment and community-building are valued at the core of our educational endeavours. 

Our thanks to all of our students involved in the 2023 student fundraising, and to our staff who have supported them. 

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12 Winchester Street 
Christchurch 8014

PO Box 25094
Christchurch 8140

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